School activities

To explore all the offerings dedicated to schools, download the 2023-2024 school catalog!

You can download the booking form here, fill it out completely, and send it back via fax to +39 0544 690030 or via email to For further information, please contact the educational secretariat at +39 0544-690020 ext. 101 from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Fun and Learning

The relationship between animals and children holds significant empathic value and educates about diversity, demonstrating that there is more to the world than just ourselves. The benefits are psychological and educational: interacting with animals triggers the desire to care for another living being and engage in a relationship, learning to wait for the other’s timing and practicing patience. Through interaction with animals, children open up to unique relational, cognitive, and emotional experiences. Visits and workshops at Safari Ravenna allow the leverage of the referential values of animals to enhance educational processes, knowledge of animals, specific interactions, and relational awareness.

"Those who make a distinction between entertainment and education may not know that education may not know that education should be fun, and fun should be educational."

MARSHALL MCLUHAN (Canadian sociologist, 1911-1980)

At Safari Ravenna, the respect for animals and their ethological needs comes first and foremost.

The educational offerings provided by the Park are designed and developed by specialized and experienced personnel, capable of sparking curiosity and explaining the characteristics and habits of each species hosted in the Park in a simple and clear manner, fostering a dialectical and constructive relationship.

The educational workshops, particularly for schools, have been developed by personnel with multiple degrees in cultural education and children's entertainment.

During the educational journey, thanks also to specific workshops, children and teenagers have the opportunity to learn some fundamental VALUES OF LIFE.